Claim Resources by Chia Girl

Chia Girl are highly respected and revered for her bravery and resourcefulness. Their unique abilities and skills make them a valuable asset to any team. As a sign of their respect for her, many of CMT Gold are given to the Chia girl. If you have a chia girl NFT, you can claim CMT Gold daily. Send her to treasury address, 0.02 CMT Gold will be back to you. Buy a chia girl NFT on a Dexie Exchange. Send your chia girl to the claim address xch1vqmx8z8gl0xl0adcnlqqpr7gr59ph2zxt9n9qmu26ylnmepkvqssmulks4 , chia girl will return and bring back CMT Gold.

Claim Resources by Chia Girl

Required Gold: 0.1CMT Gold

Claim Address: xch1vqmx8z8gl0xl0adcnlqqpr7gr59ph2zxt9n9qmu26ylnmepkvqssmulks4